
Showing posts from March, 2022

Barristers Chua Guan Hock SC and Kerby Lau of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) “unhelpful”, says [2018] HKCA 403 (Cheung, Yuen and Kwan JJA)

Barristers Chua Guan Hock SC and Kerby Lau of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) “unhelpful”, says [2018] HKCA 403 (Cheung, Yuen and Kwan JJA) 8.   The defendant’s counsel cited a total of 38 cases in this application .  As stated in Practice Direction 2.1 §3(e), the skeleton submissions “should direct at helping the Court to determine whether grounds have been made out for the appeal to be heard by the Court of Final Appeal”.   It is unhelpful to load the submissions with copious authorities making more or less the same point in a number of instances . Written submissions by Barristers Mr Chua Guan Hock SC and Mr Kerby Lau, instructed by K B Chau & Co Solicitors, for the Defendant (Applicant)

K B Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in [2018] HKCA 210 [2018] 2 HKLRD 864! 周啟邦律師事務所俾香港高等法院上訴庭鬧!

周啟邦律師事務所俾香港高等法院上訴庭鬧!  K B Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in [2018] HKCA 210 [2018] 2 HKLRD 864! 62.  After the conclusion of the hearing, and without seeking leave of the court or the consent of the plaintiffs, William’s solicitors made further submissions by letter with proposals of directions from this court to the judge.   This is highly unsatisfactory and such practice has been rightly deprecated in a number of decisions , including To Pui Kui v Ng Kwok Piu & Ors, CACV 281/2012, 21 August 2014, at §§55 to 61.  Mr Chua did not seek an adjournment of the hearing to deal with any further point he might wish to address, nor did he give any indication at the hearing he needed to do further research to supplement his submissions.  There are no excepti

Olympia Chambers Barrister George Chu Guilty of Misconduct! 朱奉慈大律師俾大律師公會裁定違反專業操守停牌半年冇鬼用!

Olympia Chambers Barrister George Chu Guilty of Misconduct! 朱奉慈大律師俾大律師公會裁定違反專業操守停牌半年冇鬼用! http:// gettingjusticeinhongkong. chambers-barrister-george-chu- guilty-of-misconduct- suspended-for-6-months-by-the- bdt.html?m=1 South China Morning Post, 12 Feb 2000 (Cliff Buddle) 307891/barrister-barred- deceiving-university  Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu Barred for Deceiving University Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu (朱奉慈大律師) has been suspended for six months after a disciplinary tribunal found he pretended to have a first class honours degree when applying for a scholarship at the University of Hong Kong. George Chu Fung-chee, admitted to the Bar in 1994, also breached a promise to the university not to operate as a barrister once he became a post-graduate student, the Barristers' Disciplinary Tribunal found. The suspension was the longest to be imposed since 1996, and the tribunal took the unusual step of ordering that

Solicitor Au Wing Lun William - Nonsensical, Defies Common Sense, The Most Absurd Submission Ever Heard, Appalling, Abuse of Process - 區穎麟律師知唔知醜㗎!

Solicitor Au Wing Lun William - N onsensical, Defies Common Sense, The Most Absurd Submission Ever Heard, Appalling, Abuse of Process - 區穎麟律師知唔知醜㗎! AU WING LUN v. TAM MEI KAM AND OTHERS [2007] HKCFI 719; HCA 811/2007 (13 July 2007) Before : Hon Poon J in Chambers Plainly, the relationship between Mr Au and the Mother, together with the requisite trust and confidence which is essential to the relationship, has completely collapsed. In my view, the rent in the parties’ relationship is so deep that it is simply impossible for the Mother to continue to place any trust or confidence in Mr Au. When that very basis is gone, how can Mr Au continue to act for the Mother in the Probate Action? Mr Au suggested that he can do so and protect her interests without taking instructions from her and despite her objection. This is simply nonsensical. It defies common sense,

Barrister James McGowan of Admiralty Chambers Admitted Misconduct in HKSAR v Apelete [2019] 5 HKLRD 574 [2019] HKCA 1189

Barrister James McGowan of Admiralty Chambers Admitted Misconduct in HKSAR v Apelete [2019] 5 HKLRD 574 [2019] HKCA 1189 36. Before us, Mr McGowan candidly admitted that his actions (or lack thereof) were such as to bring him within the meaning of s.18 of the CCCO. In particular, he accepted that on his part there had been undue delay as well as a repeated failure to comply with the Court's directions, which amounted to serious professional misconduct. 47.  Whatever the position may have been in respect of funding, the applicant was legally aided as from 17 August 2018. There can be no excuse for either Mr Mohnani or Mr McGowan failing to comply with the Court's directions thereafter and no conceivable justification for allowing 7 months to go by from 12 September 2

Central Chambers Barrister Ming Tong Convicted of a Drug Offence and Fined HKD 4,000

唐煒明大律師藏毒罪成罰款四千 - Barrister Ming Tong (Central Chambers) Convicted of a Drug Offence and Fined HK$4,000 - Comments? 對於唐煒明大律師 (Hong Kong Lawyer Ming Tong) 會否被停牌,大律師公會執委會表示,會慎重考慮任何大律師導致定罪的行為,是否構成專業失當,並交由大律師紀律審裁組作出聆訊,再決定是否對有關大律師作出譴責、暫時吊銷執業資格、支付罰款,甚或從大律師登記冊上剔除其姓名。

Barrister Candy Fong’s Misconduct Conviction - 方也方被吊銷大律師執業資格

方也方被吊銷大律師執業資格  - Barrister Candy Fong’s Misconduct Conviction

Alexandra Chambers Barrister Hylas Chung Criticized By Judge Maggie Poon As Unprofessional Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self - 鍾元富大律師被潘敏琦法官狠批做法不專業損人不利己

Alexandra Chambers Barrister Hylas Chung Criticized By Judge Maggie Poon As Unprofessional Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self - 鍾元富大律師被潘敏琦法官狠批做法不專業損人不利己 香港特別行政區 訴 袁郁鈞 (Reported in: [2007] 1 HKLRD 819) HCMA730/2006 (裁判日期:2007年1月23日) 「上訴人的大律師鍾元富大律師 (Barrister Hylas Chung) 本身對刑事審訊接納證據的基本法則一知半解,胡亂指控聆訊時代表上訴人的大律師不稱職,不切實際地提昇上訴人對成功上訴的期望、做法不專業,損人不利己 (Unprofessional, Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self),絕對不值得鼓勵或仿效 (Utterly Should Never Be Encouraged Or Imitated。」 - 高等法院原訟法庭暫委法官潘敏琦 (Deputy High Court Judge Maggie Poon)

Denis Chang's Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC Escaped From Hong Kong During The On-Going National Security Law Investigations Against Him - 1 March 2022

Denis Chang's Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC Escaped From Hong Kong During The On-Going National Security Law Investigations Against Him - 1 March 2022 Hong Kong Bar Association’s former chairman fled the city hours after being questioned by police under a national security law that carries a maximum penality of life imprisonment. Paul Harris boarded a flight to the U.K. via Turkey on Tuesday, according to Wen Wei Po which is owned by Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong. The outlet published a video of the British citizen at the airport ignoring reporters’ questions. Harris confirmed to Reuters that he has left Hong Kong. Police had probed Harris on Tuesday in relation to Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, the non-governmental organization he founded in 1995 before the city’s handover. The veteran human rights lawyer, who is fluent in Cantonese, was branded an “anti-China politician” by Be